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Admissions Open – Enroll your kids to the desired coding course and start their journey to become junior programmers - For more information, send us an email at

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With technology’s increasing omnipresence in our lives, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep pace with the latest updates in digital devices. Kids’ screen time (online and offline) has tremendously increased, urging parents to find a balance between productive and mindless entertainment.

Now, picture this: Your kid comes back home from school, and all he asks for is a mobile phone or tablet. As you observe, the kid is engaged in nothing but useless entertainment games with no productive or beneficial outcome. True, it sounds worrisome!

This is where teaching your child to code at an early age serves as a breakthrough. Coding is one of the major blocks in the digital framework, and it introduces the child to a world of new opportunities, promising a bright future ahead. 

Coding for Kids: Myths and Realities

Before discussing the benefits of learning this skill, let’s first debunk some of the myths associated with learning it at a young age.

Myth: Coding is only meant for super-intelligent kids, good at Math’s and Science. 

Reality: Any one with problem-solving abilities can learn this skill, both children (aged 7 years and above) and adults.

Myth: It is a boring subject, meant only for “computer geeks.” 

Reality: This programming language is as fun as any other subject. It enhances creativity, stretching the mind’s limits far beyond.

Myth: It is a distraction, only increasing a child’s screen time. 

Reality: As productive as other STEM subjects, learning this language opens up the child’s mind, which makes different aspects visible to them, in every other subject also. 

Learning to Code: Worth Investing?

Investing in the child’s bright academic career is what every parent looks forward to, and one of the ways of achieving it is to enroll the child in programming classes. But the question is, “Is it worth investing?” 

Here are a few reasons that help you decide the answer to this question yourself. 

1. Language of the Present and the Future 

Everything around us boasts of technological advancements. And as a parent, the last thing you want is for your child to lag.

Letting your kids learn this subject gives them a basic know-how of the language of the present and the future, which helps maintain pace with the changing times. The different algorithms in this domain make the structural framework of future technological advancements. Of course, children won’t master the skill in the blink of an eye; instead, they will learn to move and thrive in modern society. 

2. A High-in-Demand and High Paying Skill 

A high-demand skill is also a high-paying skill. As time has passed, children have also developed a keen interest in learning new skills. Their career path can be entirely different, but the skills they earn always benefit them in the long run. 

Given the present times, a swift rise in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects is expected. Studies have also suggested that between 2022 and 2032, the number of software engineer jobs is expected to increase by 25%. So, it won’t be wrong to say that this programming skill promises a bright future. 

3. Instills Computational Thinking

Decision-making and problem-solving are among the major challenges that kids face later in life. Learning these developmental skills can help them cope with the challenges of the times.

The subject teaches children how to conduct a thorough analysis, think critically, and find a solution to a problem, a process known as computational thinking.  By breaking the cognitive barriers, they learn to think logically. The kids break the long and complex algorithms into small parts, analyze each one, and then critically think and analyze them to devise a solution to the problem at hand.

Breaking the problem into doable chunks allows them to explore a world of solutions, which they then combine and organize into something new and wondrous.  

4. Nurtures Creativity and Confidence

A child’s brain is a hub of creativity, and when it is groomed and polished, it can create wonders. To continue with the above point, learning programming skills is an excellent way to polish children’s creativity.

What’s more exciting is that this creativity is not limited to development but is also portrayed in every accomplishment they achieve. As kids learn computational thinking, they also step into a world of new opportunities and possibilities. The kids learn to ask questions, which is the first step in fostering a creative mind.

5. Teaches Resilience and Flexibility

While programming can be fun, it can also be equally frustrating. It demands concentration, flexibility, and resilience. To develop a functional algorithm, the child should first be able to identify the problem. It could be a major challenge, as it leads to developing several solutions, none of which work. After much debugging and rewriting, the child does get the desired solution.

This repeated process of experiencing setbacks and then bouncing back motivates children to focus on improving their skills. Children learn to be patient and see things from a new perspective.

6. Enhances Teamwork and Collaboration 

Several projects give kids the opportunity to work together as a team. Such a collaboration-promoting environment instills valuable interpersonal skills in children, such as teamwork and communication. 

Kids learning programming in groups have a chance to share their ideas, give feedback, and apprehend varying opinions. These social skills benefit children in all areas of life, from schools to professional workplaces. 

7. Explains the Limits of Technology 

Last but not least, learning to program explains the limitations of technology. As dynamic as it is, there comes a point where it’s a dead end. This setback in coding actually explains that the different technological devices do have their setbacks. 

Introducing Kids to Coding

Now comes another important concern of the parents, “how can they introduce their kids to coding?” Well, that’s not much of a problem. There are several games and coding projects for kids that not only develop their interest in programming but also motivate them to pursue it as a profession. Drag-and-drop activities, like those in Scratch, provide an easy and engaging way to introduce kids to coding. Some other effective ways of introducing a kid to this subject are listed below: 

  1. Through real-life examples 
  2. Coding games for kids 
  3. Through building blocks 
  4. Conducting friendly challenges and competitions 
  5. Enrollment in exciting programming courses for kids

Conclusion: Enroll Your Kid Now!

In this dynamic tech world, learning basic technological concepts is now becoming a necessity. So, as a parent, you should wait no longer and get your kid enrolled in exciting programming courses.

However, if you’re still unable to decide whether or not you should invest in this field, then the above reasons will help you a great deal. Explaining its benefits and probable future, the article helps grow your kids into the masterminds of the future.

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