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Admissions Open – Enroll your kids to the desired coding course and start their journey to become junior programmers - For more information, send us an email at

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What is Coding?  

Coding in simple terms is a language or method that we may use to communicate with computers. This helps to instruct the computer to perform several different functions to perform commands for us. Coding is also referred to as software programming in which we have several different languages that we use to communicate with the computer.

We have different mediums or forms we can use such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript or Python.  These are visual blocks or languages used to help us communicate our commands and make use of our technology. Coding essentially allows us to create, develop software programs or even use it as a language for the function of our everyday objects.  

Coding for Kids  

In today’s fast paced world where technology has become prevalent, it has become essential to introduce young kids to the concept of coding. Since we understand that coding is a language, it can be taught to kids through different mediums to make it interesting and easier to understand.

This helps them to adapt social and cognitive skills that will aid them understanding it easily when they learn even other forms of advanced languages. Understanding what functions to perform using a computer and how to perform them can assist them in developing problem-solving skills.  

Moreover, technology has become prominent in our lives and the knowledge of how to use it combined with how to use it efficiently is valuable for young kids. It is present in our daily routine such as learning how to operate a certain machine-like television or using the internet to learn for school. These are important reasons for kids to start learning more about coding. 

Benefits of Learning Coding  

There are many more skill sets a kid develops when they start to learn coding, these are not just knowing how to operate a machine or using technology faster.  


In coding, an important step is to learn the skill of solving problems. To understand how or why something happens to a particular machine or how it performs the function or how we can make it perform a certain task such as changing the temperature of your air-conditioner.

Kids need to be equipped with problem-solving skills to figure out solutions to difficult scenarios. Kids learn to code by understanding how it works and they then understand how a software might work. They will be able to recognize how developers use coding to solve problems and create applications logically. Coding is a method for kids to learn functions through trial and error pushing them to keep trying until they come to their desired result. This fuels their need to not give up and come up with creative solutions and apply them.  

Logical Thinking

When kids are learning to solve problems alongside this, they develop the skills of thinking logically. When trying to solve their problems, they come up with creative solutions that can be logically applied to the scenario. An example could be learning how to make the right decisions when using constructs such as the if-else statement. Kids can make decisions based on logical conditions by determining the appropriate action when learning if and then statements.

To further understand this, if it’s raining: Kids learn that when a specific condition is met (it’s raining), they should take a specific action (take an umbrella). Otherwise: If the condition is not met (it’s not raining), they learn to take a different action (go outside to play). This helps to boost their logical and creative thinking as well as urges them to think outside of the box.  

There are several other skills and qualities that a kid develops when learning how to code, perseverance, determination, confidence as well as quick thinking. 

Engaging Kids in Coding  

There is not an age limit or specific to when parents need to introduce their kids to coding if you are wondering, there are many programs and activities now that are tailored to help almost a child of any age to start learning. It is beneficial to start learning as early as possible.  

For younger kids, coding can be introduced through activities such as activity worksheets, building blocks, puzzles and online apps or platforms like scratch which uses attractive, animated blocks to teach kids coding. Scratch caters to the wide age range starting from as young as three.

Moreover, for older kids the emphasis is more advanced, their activities may center more around math as well. Depending on their learning ability and how early they start, older kids can start learning languages like HTML, JavaScript. Most schools do include classes related to this in middle school, there are also several online schools dedicated to this sort of learning that parents can enroll their kids in.  

Khired Kids is an example of an online and physical learning school that aims to introduce young minds to the world of coding. We aim to empower kids in being efficient users of technology by teaching them coding in a fun, interactive environment. This helps them to learn the way to code effectively while having fun! 

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